新冠肺炎疫情仍在肆虐全球,病毒“实验室泄漏论”再次飙升为媒体热词。我们翻阅了5家西方主流媒体2019年底至今共238篇以“病毒溯源”为主题的相关报道,进行了高频词和关联词分析,发现一些美国政客与媒体沆瀣一气,通过暗示、点名、羞辱和指责,成功将阴谋论变成看似合理的假说。点击本期《粉碎标题党》,一起看看在本该“科学说了算”的话题上,外媒如何带节奏、跑偏话题,中方又是如何回应“实验室泄漏论”的? The lab-leak theory goes viral once again on social media, while the WHO has proposed another round of probe into the origin of the coronavirus. We did an analysis of the high-frequency words and related words from a total of 238 articles from five mainstream media outlets featuring the origin tracing of the coronavirus. The results show some politicians and media are working in sync,effectively transforming a conspiracy theory into a plausible hypothesis through insinuating, naming, shaming, and blaming. Click on this edition of the Headline Buster to see the role of media in shaping the narrative of origin tracing of coronavirus. How have the Chinese authorities responded to the lab-leak theory?